Monday 19 July 2010

Tweet Tweet!

Im a twittermaniac.

I RT stuff. And i reply to celebrities, hoping that one day they'll reply to me (HA, fat chance)

soo yeah. random post. i really should think about my posts before i write them.

i have nothing left to say.


Well. Thats not annoying...

gr. stupid whale. being carried by stupid birds. BIRDS CANT CARRY WHALES.
yeah. im in that 'dont speak, i'll punch you' mood.
Nearly the end of the year [Insert rave here]
no more; PE, geography. pace history etc etc.
but i chose french.
WHY?! what could have possibly possesed me to choose french?!
i may have been rushing my choice there.

Sunday 18 July 2010

Welcome back Caitlin :P

Hey. I'm back again. :O Sorry i haven't posted in donkeys years. soo yeah. tonight im gonna; write the rest of this,
finish a logo (uuuugh, it's taking ages. damn me and my line OCD),
maybe i'll draw a manga character aaand
i may post up a pic of one of my other drawings...
BAYUM! this is by me. im not sure when i did it...
but it's brick by boring brick lyrics... :D
Now... for more of my ramblings...
I watched elipse last week. its waaay better than the last 2. trust me.
Urm, well, Yoko Ono is following me on twitter (yes, the one that married john lennon)
aaand im listening to figure it out (versa emerge) definatley my summer song, :D
I seem to tweet alot more than i used to.
I saw sister act on thursday. BEST MUSICAL EVER! better than Lion King and Les Mis. Obvs.
I'm breaking up for summer holidays on wednesday. But its not all fun and games, I have two performances with my band on the wednesday. GAH. worse than the summer soiree. (year 7 and 8 then year 9 and 10. Lucky me) Its gonna be pretty good, i can imagine myself jumping around like a loon, WHOOOOO!
So yeah. Thats my little week update.
OH. it was my birthday on wednesday. I'm now 14. HELLS YEAH!
i love the guitars in figure it out. I would listen to them all day if i could. Maybe i will some day...
Ookay. Booky stuff now.
Need - Carrie Jones, is what im reading right now. if you haven't read it, do. if you like pixies and werewolves and mystery stories, You'll love it!
I'd love to be Zara (the main character in "Need") she may be manically depressed due to the recent death of the man she thought of as her father, but she goes to live in Maine (cooold!) and wierd things happen (glitter, everywhere, wierd pointing guys) but she has awesome friends who help her work out whats going on. and she goes for a run every night. I know it sounds wierd, but i'd love to do that. even if i suck at running...

well, thats all from me for now. Goodnight Random Readers! :D

Monday 5 July 2010

David and Goliath.
'shoot hoops, not people.' 'zom bees.' 'you soy crazy.' 'peas on earth.' 'peanuptuals, peanut butter.' 'we be jammin.' 'talk nerdy to me.'


i just LOL'd at 'photo of my melons' :L


BAYUM! i had to do this... :3
Okay. so my posts are getting more pointless and short every day.
I'm not okay with that. It annoys me. MER.
But honestly, i have jack all to say. Which fails, seeing as i like blogging!
Im still gonna blog every day, but dont expect crazy long blogs :L
oooh. and, EXCITING NEWS! I'm on youtube, with my band. (the band with no name, cause we haven't thought of one yet xD) So yeah, the cover is 'thats what you get' by paramore. The account is- 'Stuffman866'
Have fun watching it. COMMENT ON IT DUDE!


Yup. I have one now.
No stories up atm.
But keep checking!
:)) x

My username on WattPad Is - CaitlinComeBackHome


Sunday 4 July 2010


New Moon Pictures

I made this. Last night. I was feeling bored. And sad :3

I hope you guys like it :))